When I joined Twistys.com, I was amazed. I had never seen so many babes that I wanted to get twisted up in the sheets with. It’s like they found the most beautiful babes in the world and got them to all perform in this one place for your enjoyment. They have top pornstars as well as up-and-comers, making them all worth every stroke of your cock. They even give you a monthly Twisty’s Treat which is their equivalent of a centerfold model, so you know who to keep an eye out for.
You can now save up to 73% with a Twistys discount to enjoy tons of hot content that will make your dick drool. The majority of this is softcore, which with as hot as these babes are it is just fine with me. You can see them strip down and pose nude, touch themselves all over, and do all kinds of dirty things to get you off. There’s lots of lesbian sex as well, and who doesn’t love that? And though it’s not exactly their thing, you will find a collection of hardcore content too. They really cover all of the bases.